Spiegel Institut is given TISAX Certification: ENX Association confirms compliance for information security according to VDA ISA requirements

After working with TISAX to create a joint testing and exchange mechanism for information security in the automotive industry just last year, the Spiegel Institut sites in Mannheim, Ingolstadt, and Munich were assessed according to the demanding certification requirements, receiving high marks: Spiegel Institut has received TISAX certification for the handling and processing of information/prototypes with very high security requirements.

Qualitative online research

Qualitative online surveys, which can also be carried out using mobile research methods, offer a range of advantages such as the ability to efficiently assess topics and products from wherever you are or identify consumer insights flexibly, timely, and cost-effectively. Whether this is part of an online community with long-term support or ad-hoc inquiries by means of online diaries, journals, or exchanges among participants, there are very few limits to the methodological creativity in qualitative online surveys.


Our workshops offer a good way of experiencing how opinions are formed with regard to products/concepts: Needs and requirements come to light, existing concepts can be optimized from a user perspective, while weaknesses and obstacles can be illustrated. Working in groups allows for ideas to be developed efficiently.

Concept tests

Concept tests help you to develop your product with a focus on the consumer by allowing you to understand needs, ideals, and expectations of potential customers at any early stage, while uncovering habits and problems. Drawing on subjective evaluations and acceptance enables you to estimate customers’ buying interest and your chances of success.

Product clinics

At a clinic, your product becomes the patient, as we go “under the skin” to test the product and given an accurate diagnosis. The core feature of our clinics is testing products or prototypes in comparison with the competition under standardized conditions.

Future Mobility for China: Spiegel Institut shows its expertise in China when it comes to e-mobility and autonomous driving

At the Automotive Roundtable “Future Mobility for China”, in Beijing on April 17, 2018, Yuwei Jin, Director of Asia-Pacific at Spiegel Institut in Beijing and Shanghai will speak on the subject of “E-mobility and autonomous driving - a user experience perspective”.