Smart Home in China

More and more Chinese consumers are integrating smart home devices into their homes. In the beginning, the early adopters were those young people who would like to try something fancy and new. After they have gathered good experience, they will potentially take a second purchase, but this time for their parents.

Online Education in China: Learning something new everywhere and at any time

There are plenty of online courses in China, including different majors – more precisely: you can find online courses for almost everything. Different platforms are gathering teachers for different majors. Each platform has its own focus like music, painting art, foreign languages, after-school tutorials, etc. So online courses are a real business in China.
Paper Presentation at AMA Winter Academic Conference in San Diego

Paper Presentation at AMA Winter Academic Conference in San Diego

The international AMA Winter Academic Conference took place in San Diego from February 14-16. It is one of the most important marketing conferences in the world. Prof Dr. Marc Kuhn (DHBW), Prof. Dr. Benjamin Österle (DHBW) and Viola Marquardt (Spiegel Institut) presented results of a pan-European Usability Study on charging station infrastructure during the session »Innovating Through Cutting-Edge Technologies«.

Chinese Navigation Apps

There is a clear trend among Chinese users when it comes to navigation apps – Chinese applications are highly preferred. We have compared several Chinese navigation apps with non-Chinese navigation apps and found out several outstanding features. We will therefore give a China-specific-feature overview and relevant culture background explanations.