• Customer Experience (CX)
  • Concept
  • Product
  • Image and brand

Do you want to gain a better understanding of target groups and markets?

Do you intend to study the needs and preferences of your customers or to measure customer satisfaction?

Do you need consumer insights on how consumers experience and use your brand, products, and services?

Do you want to deepen your knowledge of buyers, users, and non-buyers? 

Do you need a deeper understanding of the complete customer journey?

  • We give insights on consumer attitudes, perceptions, behavior and lifestyles, drawing on our proven tools and methods. We design tailor-made research approaches and include the relevant target groups in our research, to reach a global audience.
  • Our results are translated into your insights – from existing services or products that are in development to regional and global trends or as the basis for your branding.
  • With our special consulting approach, we assist you in implementing the study results at your company.

Our methods

Icon EthnObserve, Kamera

EthnObserve®: ethnographic research

Classic ethnography focuses on consumers’ behavior in their daily, familiar environment. EthnObserve® links the observation of participants via camera with an open conversation, providing pertinent consumer insights for product development or brand communication that is consistently oriented towards the needs of the target group.
Icon qualititative Onlineforschung, Sprechblasen

Qualitative online research

Qualitative online surveys, which can also be carried out using mobile research methods, offer a range of advantages such as the ability to efficiently assess topics and products from wherever you are or identify consumer insights flexibly, timely, and cost-effectively. Whether this is part of an online community with long-term support or ad-hoc inquiries by means of online diaries, journals, or exchanges among participants, there are very few limits to the methodological creativity in qualitative online surveys.
Icon Workshops, Menschen sitzen an einem Tisch


Our workshops offer a good way of experiencing how opinions are formed with regard to products/concepts: Needs and requirements come to light, existing concepts can be optimized from a user perspective, while weaknesses and obstacles can be illustrated. Working in groups allows for ideas to be developed efficiently.
Icon Konzepttest, Daumen hoch und runter

Concept tests

Concept tests help you to develop your product with a focus on the consumer by allowing you to understand needs, ideals, and expectations of potential customers at any early stage, while uncovering habits and problems. Drawing on subjective evaluations and acceptance enables you to estimate customers’ buying interest and your chances of success.
Icon Produktclinics, Stetoskop

Product clinics

At a clinic, your product becomes the patient, as we go “under the skin” to test the product and given an accurate diagnosis. The core feature of our clinics is testing products or prototypes in comparison with the competition under standardized conditions.
Icon Conjoint-Analyse, Daten

Conjoint analysis

Do you want to know how important a particular product feature (e.g., vehicle design) is for consumers when compared to one another (e.g., interior)? Conjoint methods reveal the subjective importance that consumers give to individual product features. We use conjoint analyses in the areas of product development, pricing, and market segmentation.
Icon Expert Research

Expert research

Market research normally draws on a variety of quantitative and qualitative methods to collect primary data from consumers. Research with experts is still somewhat uncommon, but it presents an important third pillar in comprehensive market research as a form of “knowledge research”, which makes results less dependent on spontaneous consumer whims or subjective opinions. Expert research complements consumer research with experts in their roles as a visionary and driving force, as market experts and as a corrective element.

We take pride in

Autonomes Auto mit einer chinesischer Frau

What will the future of driving look like? | An international lead-user study

Idea workshops with lead users in China, the United States and Germany on the future role of an autonomously driven vehicle in everyday life. Determining requirements and product features

Zwei Maenner besprechen ein Dokument

How far are cyber risks in the consciousness of the population | Quantitative study

Relevance of cyber-attacks and cyber-risks in general. Companies’ acceptance of insurance policies on cyber risks.

Tesla, Innenausstattung

What makes Tesla drivers tick? | International ethnographic study

Ethnographic study of Tesla drivers in Germany, Switzerland, Norway and the United States with accompanied driving to analyse user behaviour, examine the vehicle for a better understanding of user requirements and take an in-depth look at the drivers’ respective living environments to gain insights into the characteristics of the target group.

Staubsauger, Haushaltsgeraete

How do target groups for household appliances evolve? | Europe-wide online study in multiple phases

On market segmentation and developing a typology of customers as well as creating and cleverly designing personas.

Contact person

Nayeli Tusche
Nayeli Tusche
Senior Director – Human Centered Research, Innovation & Experience
+49 89-244-1111-200