
Publications 2022

The hierarchical mindset in East-Asia and how it impacts the dynamic in focus groups

When we recruit participants for focus groups, our clients sometimes asked for a certain criterion within each group: A good mix of ages. Sometimes, this will negatively impact the group dynamic in Asian countries.

Touchpoints for the (Chinese) consumer - the more, the better?

Being more present at different touchpoints on the customer journey brings more exposure, awareness, and maybe more customers. But does it apply in China? Check out this article.

Are the modern features in cars really what the (Chinese) consumers want?

The negative news on Chinese social media about EVs lead to a philosophical reflection on the topic of “user’s need for autonomy and the development of EVs”.

Driving a Modern Electric Vehicle in China? Not in Summer.

Driving during the day has become a nightmare for EV owners with an all-glass roof in China this summer. Read here why it's a real problem.

Luxury camping in China

If you ask what kind of hobbies a middle-class city family or GenZs in China now have, they might all tell you one thing: “Glamping”. Also known as “Glamorous Camping”.

The meaning of the job and myself as a consumer researcher

We spent more than 8 hours at work every day. Have you ever asked yourself what the purpose or meaning of your job is? One of our colleagues, a consumer researcher, has given it some thought.

Does an intuitive system really exist?

There is ONE question that we talk about all the time at work: is this system intuitive to use for the user? In this article we try to find out.

The surprise blind box which might contain anything – How the “gambling” mindset is impacting customer experience in China

A blind box is a box with opaque packaging, hiding the product inside. The idea of blind boxes is highly welcomed by GenZ as overconsumption and materialism don’t satisfy them anymore and they start to seek for emotional stimulation and excitement.