A New Purchase Channel for Chinese Consumers

While teleshopping channels are well known in Germany, shopping goes one step further in China via personal live-streams. And there is one 27-year old man, who breaks all the records with his live-stream-shows. It is said that no woman has left Li Jiaqi’s live-stream without purchasing anything.

On singles` day in 2018, he sold 15.000 lipsticks within 5 minutes and in 2019, he even reached a sale of one billion Yuan during his show, where he presented different makeup products.

More than 50 million consumers are following his account now. Watching his live-streams and demos of using different products has become a daily routine of many young people in China.

People love him because he is really authentic and gives consumers a better impression of the makeup products without using a filter or Photoshop. Li has worked as makeup sales in shopping malls and has managed to get the lowest price of cosmetic products among all suppliers with a limited amount. A highlight of his shows: He announces the sales numbers in real-time, which brings more fun and excitement to the purchasing process, according to his fans. So nowadays shopping has reached a new level in China.



Author: Yue Liu, Spiegel Institut Mannheim

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