Mannheim, November 8, 2017 – The day has come: On November 9, 2017, Spiegel Institut and the Department for User Experience Design of the Technical University of Ingolstadt extend an invitation to the first World Usability Day. The annual global event series is being held for the 13th time, and this year’s motto is “Inclusion through user experience”.

The first WUD in Ingolstadt will focus on enhancing the topics of user experience and usability in the region and raise awareness for the necessity for development focused on the user. Participants of the high-profile event can expect a varied program featuring talks on UX as well as an interesting social program. In addition to talks on, for example, “Usability in the context of autonomous driving” and “Tell me from the past – designing a user-friendly platform for knowledge transfer between young and old”, Prof. Dr. Andreas Riener, Head of Hexapod Laboratory of the TUI, will present the topic “Dynamic driving simulator and possibility of use in usability research”.  Additional aspects of the program include a poster session on “Artificial Intelligence” and an insight into “Intuitive interaction concepts for augmented reality”. In addition, there will be plenty of opportunity for participants to exchange ideas and set up networks.

The invitation is extended to UX and Usability professionals and students as well as anyone interested in research, industry, and business, because UX is everyone’s business! 

Wann & Wo? 
November 9, 2017 beginning at 3 p.m.
Technical University of Ingolstadt
Auditorium A
Esplanade 10, D-85049 Ingolstadt


(Image source: Tsvetkov)

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