Nearly 1,700 students from the various universities in the city were so interested by this question that they decided to participate in the biannual survey organized by the City of Mannheim in cooperation with Spiegel Institut.
Mannheim, January 17 – Spiegel Institut Mannheim conducted the survey at the end of 2016 on behalf of the City of Mannheim under the auspices of Dirk Obermeier, Head of Quantitative Research, and now presents the results. The findings showed that, in particular, there was great approval of the cultural as well as shopping and nightlife offers, but also infrastructure in general scored well. The participating students were also satisfied regarding their choice of Mannheim as where they study and live. Life is good in Mannheim and the city is perceived as cosmopolitan and international.
In some areas, however, there is need for action, such as the housing market or child care.
In economic terms, Mannheim as a business location also received good marks, merely from the viewpoint of the increasingly attractive SMEs there is room for improvement.
The objective of this survey was primarily to find out how the ideal environment in Mannheim can be created as to attract young talents to remain here.


Press contact:

Bettina Weber
Director Spiegel Institut Communication

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Eastsite VI
Hermsheimer Straße 5
D-68163 Mannheim



(Image source: Spiegel Institut)

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