Since 2017, the institute has actively worked with “Aufwind”, a social institution for parents and children, to combat child poverty in Mannheim. The institute not only provides financial support but also assists in creative change. Working with two Mannheim artists, it organized a creative day for children at the institution. It therefore succeeded in the truest sense of the word to help children “ascend”, a play on the institution’s name in German, in their everyday lives.

Mannheim, March 18 - At the end of February the day had finally arrived. The kids at Aufwind couldn’t wait for the art day to start, which was put on in collaboration with Studio Sonntag, an art studio in the heart of the city. The field day was dedicated entirely to the topic of “superheroes”. The children were able to paint with or without stencils, glue different materials, and experiment with whatever their hearts desired. The goal was to have them create art by drawing on all of their senses and thus offer them small diversion from their everyday lives. Christine Ullrich and Licia Longo, the two artists from the studio, were there to support and offer advice to the little artists

Bright eyes and an animal hero

“Just letting their imaginations to run free and experiencing the children outside of their usual environment is wonderful,” said Jin Jlussi from Spiegel Institut, who was able to feel the children’s enthusiasm up close.

The children, between 8 and 11 years old, also received support from the studio’s own dog, Frau Holle, that didn’t pass up the opportunity to unleash its artistic vein as well.

Another highlight of the day was the presentation of Spiegel Institut’s €250 donation to Aufwind.

More information on  Aufwind Mannheim.
Information on Studio Sonntag.


Press contact:

Bettina Weber
Director Spiegel Institut Communication

Spiegel Institut Communication GmbH & Co. KG
Eastsite VI
Hermsheimer Straße 5
D-68163 Mannheim



(Image source: Spiegel Institut)

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