For over nine years, Spiegel Institut has offered expert knowledge at its own academy. The time had come to expand the academy’s offer to include the topic of user experience and give the entire academy appearance a new look.

Mannheim, May 16 – “The time had come to give more attention to UX training and certifications,” said Dr. Matthias Reisemann at the relaunch of the Spiegel Institut Academy website. The institute has offered certification courses to become a usability and UX specialist in its academy since early last year. The seminars CPUX Foundation Level and CPUX Usability Tester have now taken root, and practitioners from numerous companies can use the certificate to show that they have up-to-date knowledge of usability and UX.  Starting in autumn, the academy will also offer a seminar on CPUX User Requirements as one of the first such courses in the German-speaking market.

“We have an extremely high success rate. For example, in our CPUX-F seminars, so far one participant has not passed the test.” says Götz Spiegel with a smile.

Not just usability and UX experts are trained at the institute’s academy, valuable knowledge in market research is also taught here. Discover the new range of seminars offered by the Spiegel Institut Academy at


Press contact:

Bettina Weber
Director Spiegel Institut Communication

Spiegel Institut Communication GmbH & Co. KG
Eastsite VI
Hermsheimer Straße 5
D-68163 Mannheim



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