A vivid visualization is a powerful tool to detect correlations, patterns or trends in abstract data and to explain them quickly in a way that is easy to understand. Reducing complex amounts of data and contexts down to alluring stories through the skillful use of visualization is a challenge we face again and again.
Precisely when it comes to working with empirical data, however, it is important to not lose sight of the statistical requirements. Beautifully visualization relationships can quickly turn out to be fallacies if there are a sufficient number of cases in order to reach a valid conclusion. The thorough training of our employees as learned empiricists, we actively work to avoid such risks of misinterpretation. We always scrutinize the source of the data, its quality and interpretation in the visualization process.
Forms of presentation
In addition to classical forms of presentation such as scales, diagrams and icon graphics, we also offer more innovative forms of representation such as sparklines, heat maps and georeferenced data in maps. On customer request, we can also create completely individual forms of presentation according to specifications.
In the past, static visualizations were often used for reports or presentations, while now dynamic visualization techniques are increasingly in the demand. This makes it possible to have the data sets we prepare shown in real time, i.e., during a meeting, and without requiring any prior in-depth knowledge as to immediately address any questions that may arise. To do this, we work with tools such as TableauTM or QlikView®.
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