

2019年12月27、28两日,隶属于中国汽车技术研究中心 (CATARC) 的中国汽车消费者研究与测试中心 (CCRT) 在海南省海口市成功举办了首届年度峰会。此次峰会的主题是: “汽车评价驶入‘消费者导向’新阶段”。

研究&结果2019展会 – 关于用户体验的实践工作坊

Das Spiegel Institut präsentiert praxisnahe Workshops zum nutzerzentrierten Entwicklungsprozess aus dem Automobilbereich & gibt nützliche Denkanstöße zum „Data Mindset“.

快来参加我们在Research & Results 2017 展会上举办的令人振奋的座谈会吧!

Presentations of results often do not automatically lead to an increase in acceptance of the study results in the company. Sometimes not even meaningful projects for the company can be drawn from market research studies.


The widespread use of electric vehicles is still in its infancy. For consumers, the high acquisition costs and the current range an electric car can current travel are the top handicaps. However, with regard to growing urbanization in the world,…


Driver assistance systems (DAS) have now arrived on the scene. Even small and compact cars now feature complex, sensor-based systems such as collision avoidance systems. This is a development that will certainly intensify in the next few years. All…


What will mobility look like in the future? And what kind of vehicles will be used? Mobility is the epitome of freedom. People are moving more and more, faster and faster, further and further, and their mobility is becoming increasingly spontaneous…


Society as a whole and each respective target group undergoes constant change, and lifestyles and values will be continuously adjusted or shifted. This is where trend research can help: We determine what are the drivers of these changes and how this…